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Revision 49 (Anonymous, 01/26/2016 09:24 AM) → Revision 50/86 (Redmine Admin, 12/14/2018 03:26 PM)

h1. Welcome to the SPHInX repository. 

 S/PHI/nX is a *C++ library* for materials simulation, mostly electronic-structure theory. It also is a SPHInX-Wiki 

 h1. ==*The object-oriented DFT program (sphinx) to perform such simulations using *density-functional theory*, and *k.p theory*. In addition, the package offers dozens of specialized programs (add-ons) for smaller tasks related to setup, analysis, post-processing, and other types of simulations. 

 In 2009, the base classes of SPHInX relating to *fundamental programming concepts* (memory handling, string handling, math, io, ...)    have been separated from the physics part, and evolved into the "SxAccelerate": library. This powerful library is now used for system administration software, computer games, graph databases, ... S/PHI/nX [1]*== 

 If you are looking for "SPHInX source code and manual":, please select the "SPHInX Releases": project. by 

 If you are looking for "SPHInX add-ons such as sxdefectalign":, please select the "SPHInX Add-ons": project. h2. S. Boeck1, C. Freysoldt2, J. Neugebauer3, [[et al]] 

 This site is operated by "Max-Planck-Institut == == 

 Sixten Boeck ^1^, boeck at gemmanntics com, Gemmantics IT-Consulting, Christoph Freysoldt2, freysoldt at mpie de, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Joerg Neugebauer3, neugebauer at mpie de, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH":, and forms part of its internet presence. See also the "full impressum (impressum in German)": according to German law. 

 h1. Features 

 As a library, SPHInX offers features in multiple areas: 

 h2. Key features DFT 

 * plane-wave basis sets 
 * norm-conserving pseudopotentials or == == 
 * PAW formalism (reads Bloechl's cppaw, VASP, abinit PAW setups) [1] 	 The object-oriented DFT program library S/PHI/nX 
 * LDA, GGA-PBE functionals (PBE0 and HSE hybrids as an experimental feature) S. Boeck, C. Freysoldt, A. Dick, L. Ismer, J. Neugebauer 
 * very robust and fast minimizers 
 * atomic spin constraints 
 * DFT+U for molecular orbitals 
 * generalized dipole correction for charged slabs "Comp. Phys. Comm. (182), 2011, 543-554": 

 == == 

 h2. Key features geometry optimization About 

 * on-the-fly parameterized BFGS quasi-Newton (ricQN) 
 * standard BFGS quasi-Newton 

 p(. [[Introduction]] %{color:red}auf dieser Seite sind nicht compilierbare Sonderzeichen!%  
     [[List of S/PHI/nX authors]] 

 h2. Key features k dot p Download 

 * plane-wave basis p(. S/PHI/nX is shipped as a set (i.e., periodic-boundary conditions) 
 * flexible N-band model Hamiltonians configurable via input file 
 * fully flexible system geometry via material maps 
 * linear and non-linear interpolation of material parameters 
 * very efficient preconditioner for minimizer 
 * strain calculation 

 C++ class libraries which can be used separately or as a whole. To download, follow "here....":     %{color:red}= alter Link nach sxlib :%   

 h2. Key features SxAccelerate Mailing list / Contact / News 

 * base libraries for "C++ simple & powerful" 
 * easy p(. 1. Subscribing to learn thanks S/PHI/nX mailing list: 
         send a blank email to limiting complexity sxusers-subscribe at  

 p(. 2. Questions on downloading, building, or using S/PHI/nX 
         sxusers at requires successful subscription to the 95% daily-use case 
 * templates mailing list  

 p(. 3. If you are interested in using SPHInX for developing your own code. Note that you are free to use SPHInX for (academic) development without our consent as indicated in the REALLY useful containers: contiguous arrays, doubly-linked lists, stacks, (math) vectors 
 [[License]]. Any user requests to this email address will be ignored. 
         freysoldt at  

 p(. 4. Follow us on Twitter: 

      * simple & powerful string class 
 "@Sixten Boeck": 
      * powerful io format 
 "@Bjoern Lange": 
      * timers made simple: define locally, but get numbers in the global output 
 * math support via linking to FFT & linear algebra libraries, but much simplified interface 
 * simple macro language for MPI-based loop parallelization "@SxZhangS": 

 h2. Key features: add-ons 


  * powerful atomic-structure handling for generating and manipulating atomic geometries (rotating, non-trivial multiplying, diffs, patching) 
 User guide under construction... 
  * generate slabs, dislocations, random structure 
 Programming Interfaces "API Documentation": 
  * Freysoldt-van-de-Walle-Neugebauer charged defect correction scheme (sxdefectalign) in 3D and 2D 
 * phonons from forces 
 * electronic-structure post-processing: partial densities (also Tersoff-Hamann STM), total & projected DOS, dipole oscillator strengthes, ELNES, MIES 
 * external structure optimizer 
 * interface k.p tutorial  

 h2. Testbed 

 p(. The [[testbed]] allows to ensure basic functionality of the York GW space-time code after compilation. 

 h1. About Us 

 _The object-oriented DFT program library S/PHI/nX_ 
 S. Boeck, C. Freysoldt, A. Dick, L. Ismer, J. Neugebauer "Comp. Phys. Comm. (182), 2011, 543-554": 

 [[et al|List of Authors]] 

 h2. Contributing Partners 

     * Defect Chemistry and Spectroscopy group     
     "Computational Materials Design Dept.": 
     Max-Planck-Institut für fuer Eisenforschung 
     Düsseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany  

     * "Gemmantics IT-Consulting":     
     Erkrath, Germany  

     * "Photonics Theory Group":     
     Tyndall National Institute, 
     Cork, Ireland  

     * "Rechenzentrum Garching of the Max-Planck-Society and the IPP":     
     Garching, Germany