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Revision 82 (Anonymous, 04/19/2021 11:34 AM) → Revision 83/86 (Christoph Freysoldt, 04/20/2021 12:21 PM)
h1. Welcome to the SPHInX repository. !>{width: 70px; align: bottom;}SPHInX.png! S/PHI/nX is a *C++ library* for materials simulation, mostly electronic-structure theory. It also is a program (sphinx) to perform such simulations using *density-functional theory*, and *k.p theory*. In addition, the package offers dozens of specialized programs (add-ons) for smaller tasks related to setup, analysis, post-processing, and other types of simulations. !<{width: 70px;}sxaccelerate.jpg! In 2009, the base classes of SPHInX relating to *fundamental programming concepts* (memory handling, string handling, math, io, ...) have been separated from the physics part, and evolved into the "SxAccelerate": library. This powerful library is now used for system administration software, "computer games":, and more ... There is more about the [[History|history of SPHInX]]. SPHInX is natively supported by " *pyiron* ":, an Integrated Development Environment for Computational Materials Science. !{height: 40px; }pyiron-logo.png! h1. One-click install The Sphinx binaries are available for a number of Linux distributions via the " *Open Build Service* ": . If you miss your distribution of choice, please contact For permanent usage, *we we recommend compiling* compiling the Sphinx source code individually on the respective architecture *for for better performance*. performance. Moreover, Sphinx is available for Arch Linux via the " *Arch User Repository* ": . h1. Features As a library, SPHInX offers features in multiple areas: h2. Charged defect corrections !>{width: 300px; }GaAs-vacGa-3-formEnergy.png! * sxdefectalign ("executable": "manual": for point defects in *bulk*, see "PRL *102*, 016402 (2009).": * sxdefectalign2d ("executable": "manual": for point defects at *surfaces, interfaces*, and *2D materials*, see "Phys. Rev. B *97*, 205425 (2018).": In case the download links do not work: all standalone add-ons and their manuals are provided for download "here.": h2. Geometry optimization * on-the-fly parameterized BFGS quasi-Newton (ricQN) ("sxextopt executable": "manual":, see "Comp. Mat. Sci. *133*, 71 (2017).": * standard BFGS quasi-Newton h2. k·p Oliver Marquardt, Stefan Schulz, Christoph Freysoldt, Sixten Boeck, Tilmann Hickel, Eoin P. O’Reilly, Jörg Neugebauer _A flexible, plane-wave based *k·p* multiband model_ "Optical and Quantum Electronics *44*, 183 (2012).": * plane-wave basis set (i.e., periodic-boundary conditions) * flexible N-band model Hamiltonians configurable via input file * fully flexible system geometry via material maps * linear and non-linear interpolation of material parameters * very efficient preconditioner for minimizer * strain calculation See here for the [[kpTutorial| *k·p* tutorial]]. h2. Add-ons !>{width: 300px; }quamolResidue.jpg! * powerful atomic-structure handling for generating and manipulating atomic geometries (rotating, non-trivial multiplying, diffs, patching) * generate slabs, dislocations, random structure * Freysoldt-van-de-Walle-Neugebauer charged defect correction scheme (sxdefectalign) in 3D and 2D * phonons from forces * electronic-structure post-processing: partial densities (also Tersoff-Hamann STM), total & projected DOS, dipole oscillator strengthes, ELNES, MIES * optimized atomic orbitals (quamols), see "Phys Rev B *84*, 1 (2011).": * external structure optimizer ("sxextopt executable": "manual": * interface to the York GW space-time code h2. DFT _The object-oriented DFT program library S/PHI/nX_ S. Boeck, C. Freysoldt, A. Dick, L. Ismer, J. Neugebauer "Comp. Phys. Comm. *182*, 543-554 (2011).": * plane-wave basis sets * norm-conserving pseudopotentials or * PAW formalism (reads Bloechl's cppaw, VASP, abinit PAW setups) * LDA, GGA-PBE functionals (PBE0 and HSE hybrids as an experimental feature) * very robust and fast minimizers * atomic spin constraints * DFT+U for molecular orbitals * generalized dipole correction for charged slabs "Phys. Rev. B *102*, 045403 (2020).": h2. "SxAccelerate": !<{width: 70px;}sxaccelerate.jpg! * base libraries for "C++ simple & powerful" * easy to learn thanks to limiting complexity to the 95% daily-use case * templates for the REALLY useful containers: contiguous arrays, doubly-linked lists, stacks, (math) vectors * simple & powerful string class * powerful io format * timers made simple: define locally, but get numbers in the global output * math support via linking to FFT & linear algebra libraries, but much simplified interface * simple macro language for MPI-based loop parallelization h1. About Us [[et al|List of Authors]] h2. Contributing Partners * Defect Chemistry and Spectroscopy group "Computational Materials Design Dept.": Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung Düsseldorf, Germany * "DACS Labs": Erkrath, Germany * "Oliver Marquardt": Weierstraß-Institut Berlin, Germany * "Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)": Garching, Germany